Saturday 6 April 2019

Remote supervision, could it work?

Not very easily.


All elements of supervision could not be delivered remotely to an acceptable standard.  If the pharmacist were off doing other professional activity then they are unlikely to be in a position to be interrupted as the need arose.  Supervising multiple locations would give inadequate professional oversight and conflicting priorities - much too risky.

Potentially, prescriptions that had been clinically checked by a pharmacist and no pharmacist discussion with the patient was necessary, dispensed and accuracy checked, could be issued under remote supervision.  If I were that pharmacist I'd want this to be by a registered pharmacy technician.

What about people coming in asking to speak to the pharmacist?  We're trying to encourage this, not having one available downgrades the importance of our expert advice.

Opportunistic intervention?  Er, no.  Quite an important role in my experience.

I would not be that responsible pharmacist.  Too risky.